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Event Details

    How a Lack of Child Care has Impacted Montana Businesses presented by Amy Watson

    Date: February 11, 2021, 11:45am – 1:00pm
    Presented via Zoom webinar. Once the Registration closes, more information on attending this webinar event will be provided to those who have registered to attend.
    $15 for GVHRA Members / $25 for Non-Members
    Event Type:
    Southwest Montana SHRM Hosted - Webinar
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    Generally, the GVHRA meetings are held according to the following schedule; however, please refer to the specific meeting flyer sent via email from the GVHRA President as dates/times/locations are subject to change.

    11:45 a.m.—Noon: Login to Zoom Webinar 
    Noon– 1:00 p.m.: PRESENTATION

    BIO of Presenter:

    Amy Watson is a Senior Economist at the Montana Department of Labor and Industry. She holds an MS in Applied Economics from Montana State University and BAs in Economics and Finance from Linfield College, in McMinnville Oregon.  She has expertise in healthcare, education, and labor economics. Her presentation will provide an overview of the statewide labor market in light of the global pandemic, with an emphasis on the impacts a lack of childcare has on Montana businesses and the state economy. Attendees will learn about business policies and practices implemented around the state to help employees access affordable high-quality child care, and how they can connect with businesses who have successfully implemented those policies.

    Presentation Description: Amy Watson, Senior Economist with the Montana Department of Labor and Industry will elaborate on her published article she wrote, "OUT OF OFFICE, How A Lack Of Child Care Has Impacted Montana Businesses" which can also be found at 

    To make a reservation, please click on the "Reservations" tab on the website, then search for the appropriate meeting date.  Once the Registration closes, more information on attending this webinar event will be provided to those who have registered to attend.

    RSVPs help the GVHRA board and presenter to accommodate all attendees.